10 Products you can sell to make money this December

Despite the turnout of events this year, the one thing every businessman is looking at is how to make money this December. If for nothing, at least, to make up for the lost time that the pandemic conferred on every business owner. Looking at the list of 10 Products you can sell to make money this December, you could choose one of them and stock your storehouse with it. And Dkinds is here to help you do that in a timely and profitable manner.

to sell this season is pretty much a way of narrowing our options for the best goods to import this late hour. Ideally, if your merchandise for trade is usually imported, you ought to have ensured it is on the way via air freight already. There is still an opportunity, however, to get your goods in within the short time that is left this die minute of the year. Usually, Dkinds stops importing goods for its client by the end of the fourth week of November.

That is to ensure that all goods are available for sales before the festivity winds off. Though the year has been one of a kind, with many sad tales to tell, it is still not out of place to wrap the whole sad adventure with mirth and in good memory. As such, there will still be a good amount of trading that will be done and as business owners, it is only apt to position yourself in the right position that makes the season profitable for you. Here are a list of the top 10 products we believe will sell a lot this season, regardless of the economic recession that was thrown at us by the Covid-19 pandemic

As the year comes to an end, there are numerous things that must be flashing through the minds of many business owners in Nigeria. Many are not so sure what to

Top 10 products to sell these December

  • sneakersMake Money this Deecember

Young Boys and girls love the sneakers and jeans outfit. They thus tend to buy new sneakers to look the smartest they possibly can for a befitting outing experience, most especially for beach parties and events. If you are in this line of business, you should have stocked your storehouse by now. Lots of sales will still go down this December irrespective of the recession and the hardship it has imposed. Truth is, lots of people like looking good, and they will give anything for that.

  • Men’s Gold WristwatchesMake Money this Deecember

The feel of being embroidered by a beautiful wristwatch to make your hand look nice when you sway them as you walk, or when your hands are on the steering makes you become more confident and self assure of the things you do. Many buy wristwatches at times like this to add to their outfits. The major reason for the increase in wristwatch sales during the festivity period may be due to the fact that many want to ensure to get a hand adornment that fits with a certain newly bought clothes. This is often true for persons who are lovers of a wristwatch. So if you are a business owner, you may want to stock up for the season that is coming

  • Heels

Women always like to have a new pair of heels shoes for a new cloth they buy or something. Heels are often worn to events like a dinner party, and this should be buzzing around town during this festivity. Hills are also one of the sort of products that is often in high demand at times like this.

  • Slippers

This may come as a suppose to many. but because of the good number of events that people attend to on an average in periods like this, ladies are forced to go about in their handbags with flat and beautiful slippers that could be an easy change over for their heels that they wear to events. Having a nice collection of beautifully designed slippers for your customer base is a good way to position yourself to make much money during this December period that is already a stone throw away.

  • Underwears

Underwears are usually a thing of personal preference for many. It is surprising how much there is usually an increased demand for underwear during festivities. This could be due to the lots of intimate sections amongst loved ones who try to share special moments with each other, and as such tends to want to look their best intimately and not just outwardly.

  • Ankara

No doubt, Nigerians love Ankara.  While this may have been too late to talk about importing Ankara now, as it is best brought by sea to remain competitive in the market, it is still worthy of note to talk about it. Ankara is used to make a nicely sewn dress for ceremonies in Africa. The rush for it during this period is not surprising as many wants to be involved in the countless events and ceremony that occurs towards the end of the year like this.

  • Smart wristwatchesMake Money this Deecember

The way smartwatches have penetrated our modern society is not pretty surprising as this generation is known to be full of tech freaks. the demands for this gadget usually surge during times like this as many want to either buy one for themselves to augment their outfits or probably gift their friend and family.

  • Bags

They say a females outfit is not complete if she lacks at least a purse. women are known all over the world to carry either a handbag or a purse, especially when they have to attend events. More so, a woman is likely to buy a matching bag for a newly bought dress, just to make for uniformity and ensure she is fashionable.

  • Hair

Nigeria is the highest imported natural hair in Africa. The use of natural hair is also increasing every year. Almost every woman in Nigeria uses a wig. The demand Make Money this Deecemberbecomes crazier at times like this. This is no doubt due to the fact that every woman wants to look beautiful attending the occasions and events that present themselves during the festivities. Having a good collection of wigs and natural hair puts you in a good stance to make some cash during this December period.

  • Smart Phones

Smartphones are a perfect wow for giftings. it has been and will continue to be for a very long time. If you are into the smartphone business, you want to make sure your stock is all set and ready. Especially now that Black Friday is around the corner.

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